Hello everyone, today begins the week telling them that I had a great weekend together with my friends, we went dancing and took until dawn.
this weekend already feels much room to December, I am very happy because soon I will see my family again and live a very nice Christmas.
well that tomorrow is going to be for halloween yet not decide which costume I'm going out with some friends to a party and have the best costume will win many awards, I expect to win them all.
Hello my loves, today I want to tell you that I am very happy because I was very well in university exams, each day closer to achieving my dream.
I am very happy because my family comes to visit from out of town and we will have a great weekend, we will travel and visit other places of Colombia, and missed sharing with them.
my profile on twitter is @bee1122alam
I was expecting this week to be the premiere of the film anabelle terror, but the film was so full that I can hardly get in, I had to wait almost an hour in line for tickets and then another line for popcorn, but worth the wait because it was very good.
I'm a little anxious because I am teaching semester grades and although I think it was well not stop feeling nervous.
today I had a lot to do, but in the morning I relaxed at home playing video games and watching movies, until he touched me go to college and am now working judicious and very motivated to fulfill all your fantasies, now I'm online and I feel very excited.
today I want to do something different every week, I go to the movies with my friends and go shopping I think I want some shoes for sports, a kiss and good evening.
this week will be a lot and I think I will not have much time for the gym, but I hope I'm gone very well in exams.
my profile on twitter is @bee1122alam I hope so beautiful.
thanks to my effort and discipline my abdomen and my arms are more toned, I hope you like how my progress is.
Today I was buying some stuff for the gym, I hope this week is very productive and can go to the gym every day.
Today I begin a new exercise routine at the gym because my goal is to be fit again in about six months.
friends now I am online, I am very hot and ready to fulfill your fantasies, and enters.
today is in a very sunny, perfect for swimming and sunbathing go some day.
I starting the week very well, hoping to have very productive things to be done, I wish you a good week.
Today I was very judicious in the gym, some days I did not go and now I was missing, again pumping.
my profile on twitter is @bee1122alam
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